Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Divorcee In The House

So!!!! I was minding my own business, boiling pasta for lunch (I went back to my apartment for lunch) and on my way upstairs my eyes caught sight of something! One of my housemate is a recent divorcee (wedding lasted exactly 6 months) and after that fizzled out she moved back in last month with double the amount of things she had with her when she moved out. She had so many boxes, some are still left as it is around the house and frankly speaking all the junk made upstairs stuffy to walk about. Not to mention that she rudely moved my TV out and replaced her own telly on the TV cabinet.

As I was saying, I was walking upstairs and found that she had placed three white translucent boxes upstairs filled to the brim with her stuff. What caught my eye was a CD cover of her picture with a man. Upon close inspection I found that it was her wedding album. OK, so you probably think I am nosy or something but I just couldn't help it! I knew she was divorced because she told me on the day she was moving back in. The first thing that came in my mind was that she probably refused to blow him. Thean I'm like maybe he's gay! So I sneaked out the CD, took a picture of them both and stuffed it back in the box!

So, in conclusion the groom doesn't look half as bad (but Satish is way better looking that him) Men with mustaches-big turn off! So my theory is that he either cheated on her or he's a gay. 
Rocky Road
Sleuth at work

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