Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Book Collection

I am phasing my move back to my parents place from the rented apartment in Cyberjaya so every time I come back home I bring a bag full of stuff. This week I brought my books and clothes. 
The book cupboard at home needed re-arranging so I sorted out all my books on the eye-level "floor" and moved my mags, childhood books and my mum's novels to the topmost rack. To even out the weight in the cupboard, I sorted them high-low for the back row, and low-high for the front row
Tales from the Crpyt, Jeff Kinney and Lauren Conrad


  1. i have a feeling that this is not your full book collection.

    where are you hiding the rest?!!!

  2. wow so may boooooooks!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I also got some book collections..but not as much as yours.. :)
