Monday, December 19, 2011

Langkawi Trip II : Alcohol Shopping

The highlight of my recent trip to Langkawi was the tax-free or locally known as duty-free shopping. I bought 6 bottles of liquors, inclusive of two bottles of smooth sweet wines, a bottle of vodka, French liquor, Malibu, Portugal sweet wine, several miniature bottles of vodka (Xmas gift exchange for a colleague at work) and 3 bottles of miniature Alize

This mug came free with the promo pack

So if you drink too much of Absente you will start seeing triples

Are you looking at me?

AH, the bliss

The last one my sister took it away before I could snap a shot of it

The packaging of my Absente

More shots of 16 degrees

Great wine selection

16 Degrees, a boutique shop in Kuah town specializing in exotic imported liquors at rock-bottom prices

Also bought Danish cookies, which reminded me of my childhood

I used to eat this alot when I was a kid

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