Thursday, April 10, 2014

Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia

I've enrolled myself in this fine academy to learn how to bake pastry and goodies. Apart from its fineness, they also have a staff of foreign staffs and some very good chefs scoured from the West. Its so odd that the owner happens to be an Indian national no less.

I took the 3 month basic course, well because plus I want to get away from the country before my birthday arrives. The last place on earth I want to celebrate my birthday is away from my husband. We spent too many years apart already I hate being away from him

The theory class was good, we were given 3 sets of uniforms, 2 aprons, a pair of safety shoes (which is really the cheapest they got for us, when they could have gotten better ranges for us like the ones with metal tip to stand knife fall) and thick file of papers containing work place safety, hygiene practices and food preparation practices in culinary and pastry art. Everyone were aptly brainwashed about the filthiness of mamak food and that lasted till this Monday when everyone scurried to wash their hands before classes started and on Tuesday a handful of them were queuing up to wash hands and by Thursday no one was washing their hands anymore.

The institute promised to have no more than 12 students per class but most of the pasry chefs have gone to Singapore for a competition and won't be back till next week so this week all 17 of us were crammed with a single bread chef from France who not only had to cope with us but also an annoying banshee in class

So next week I will have to push the management to keep to their promise to reduce the size of students per class or extend our course until the chefs get back from their rendezvous

 Baguette Bread

 Milk bread/Pleated bread

Soft Roll

Pleated Bread

Soft Roll

Soft roll, the chef expreimented with sour cream and cheese topping which failed to stay so it bubbled, burst and rolled everywhere on the tray

Pizza from leftover dough

Soda bread, baguette, soft roll and pizza cubes 

Raisin bread and pleated milk bread added to the presentation

Focaccia, rye and multigrain bread

Pizza day!

Pizza toppings

 Pizza going into the oven

Naan bread

Rye bread

Soft crust pizza

Thin crust pizza

The disadvantages of this place is that the water always run out at other basins and faucets when one faucet is turned up to maximum. The women's loo doesn't flush and the basin pipe has no running water at all, so from 2 loos only one is in working condition and that one too has no soap in the dispenser so we have to take one flight of stairs down to another basin with soap dispenser and wash our hands there

The items are well used and the machines are aging. Some of the machines no longer work or some part of it is faulty. Its cheaper to just use them until they war out than to fix them because they're cheap China imports. The ingredients seem reasonable,they aren't that cheap; kind of at an acceptable level


  1. Good day. Thanks for sharing your valuable experience in this academy. I'm searching for a place to enrol in a pastry course and this academy came across the internet. From what you said above, it seems like the academy hardly provide better learning environment? How about the quality of lecturing throughout the 3months course you enrolled. Hope to know more, thank you so much.

    1. Hi WaiKit, sorry for the late reply I have been busy with my baby

      I did not complete my 3 month course because i left for Doha. But in my opinion its best if you enroll yourself in this pastry school. Compared with other fancy pastry school like Sunway, Nilai, Inti and even Sugarcraft where they waste your time by making you sit thru theory classes for months in this place they only teach you theory for one week and the rest of the 3 months you are working hands on with chefs and food

      Be prepared to be on your feet for 3 months from Monday to Friday from 9am till 6pm and depending on the chefs you get sometimes till late evenings. On the second week my legs felt like they were going to break like Lego pieces but after that they got used to the standing for long hours. Also you will need to wash and clean up after your practical class finishes so be prepared to spend time with the dishwashing detergent

      I didnt get the full certificate but i got a certificate of participant which is good enough for me because all i wanted to learn was the very basic of pastry making

      Be also prepared for some of the chefs are air-head buffoons. I have met better French pastry chefs in Doha with MANNERS

      Lastly if you have money then skip this academy and go to Germany's

      Akademie Deutsches Bäckerhandwerk Weinheim e.V.
      Bundesakademie des Bäckerhandwerks
      National German Bakers Academy

      Once a year, every year they have a course for 6 months in English and no Malaysian chefs come even close to the range of chefs these germans can afford to bring to their academy. You really need money when I said if you have money because the course is about RM 50 000

  2. Hello! I too came across thus page from trying to Google more information regarding this academy. Do you mind I ask if you enrolled to this course as a foreign student? To my understanding, they do not provide student visa for foreign students to do their basic 3 months course :/ leaves me wondering if foreign students could actually study there.

    1. HI there

      Well that is the one drawback they have at this place that they don't have student visa for the short course or the half course because it doesn't come with a diploma. The only course that comes with a diploma is the full course of 9 months so you will have to enroll in that course if you want a student visa

      I am a Malaysian. The owner of this academy is from India so he is not Malaysian himself. I forgot his name but he is a short and hairy person

      My suggestion is you go see this academy for yourself before you enroll

    2. You could visit thir website for more info. They are probably the best in KL for malaysia standard. But if I were to compare them with what I have in doha and europe...well it's a different realm.
