Friday, August 18, 2017

Linux: Mimipenguin and How to Find Users Passwords on CentOS

So here I was scrolling my Google + and came across this fantastic review about this nifty little tool called mimipenguin

I just had to download it and test it out on my CentOS

Of course, I only had a single user other than root on my VM so for testing purposes, I added a few dummy users with passwords

And followed the steps from techmint to download and install the software

Then I ran the script, it takes a while to output results on the screen, and if you have more than 100 users on the system except your system to hang, yes you read me correctly. 

I would suggest you to put the script on cron and run at a time when the server is free (middle of the night, wee hours of the morning- you get the picture) even better get a few hours downtime just to run the script on a heavy prod server (make sure all your apps aren't running)


Out of 5 user I have on the system, it only detected one user and its password
Did not detect root user and its password

Well, I leave the rest for you to use and judge

I installed git on my CentOS first

Then I copied the software directory into root dir

Created some dummy users with password on the system

Ran the shell script on the machine and I get the same just detects user priti and no one else

And I can't run the Python script on my host, I get this error

I know, I know I am missing something here, so I did a little bit of digging and found that the script is looking for python3 and I only have python installed (version 2.7.5)

And then located where my python runs from (the usual /usr/bin) and ran the python script as such

And the script is still running, I expect it to run longer than the shell script or probably hang. I got tired of waiting so I just halted the script

The results are the same, I can only get the user and password for user priti

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