Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kindie Review: New Sun Moon, Bangsar South

Here is my third review for a kindie, also in Bangsar South. I called the number posted on their Facebook which looks like direct translation from Chinese to English. Never mind the crappy name, their reviews were really good. The lady sounded busy, so she told me to pop in tomorrow morning.

Here's what I managed to glean from her over the phone. She was clear that the fees et al were for 2018 only.

Full day programme

8am till 7pm

RM 1370 per month

Food provided for breakfast, lunch, and post nap

Twice naptime; once after lunch and the second after shower (when is this I don't know)

Half day programme

8am till 12.30pm

RM 1170 per month


to be updated tomorrow

What is provided

to be updated tomorrow

What you need to pay for 

to be updated tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Hello I am also looking for a daycare in bangsar south area..let me know if you can recommend any
