Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kindie Review: WHITELODGE PRESCHOOL, Bangsar South

Pretty much mixed reviews about this school. A lot of expats live in my area and the Indian expats stay out of this kindie because of their laissez faire approach. There were some pretty bad reviews about this place, and the nastiest one was about how the teachers are engrossed in their phones and let children cry or fight among themselves. Left unsupervised. *the horror* I can't find this damning review online anymore, it must have been removed or not showing up on my search with VPN.

However, lately I have been walking back home everyday from work and I can see a handful of parents walking with their child in tow; coming out of this kindie. Sometimes I can see their staffs walking to the LRT.

So if these parents are putting their kids in there-surely it must be doing something right-to a degree? Or has the management changed? For parents that are unaware; after 3-4 years or running a kindie, the owner is allowed to "sell it off" to someone for a higher fee. By selling I mean the license, the contract, the right to use the kindie name; the whole works. It is exactly like selling an AP permit. The latter being illegal but the former; legal. There is plenty money to be made for such sales. But I believe teaching is a calling-there are some good kindies out there. I just have to find it.

Anyways let us backtrack to White Lodge. I called them last Friday to inquire and someone followed up with me on Monday morning with a phone call and answered my flurry of emails.

Here are some basic info gleaned from White Lodge. Please note that as I am looking for a full day programme for my son, I only inquired about their full day programme.


8.00 am till 6.30 pm


4 terms a year
July –September, October – December, Jan – March, April – June


2 day a week per term - RM 4620

3 day a week per term – RM 4920

5 day a week per term – RM 5220

Monthly breakdown for 5 days full day programme: RM1740

Registration fee: RM 350

Refundable deposit: RM 500

What is provided

breakfast, lunch, post-nap snack

nap at 1pm till 3pm

no uniform

What you have to pay for

field trips once every term with parents

activity; if organised in a month

They have an upcoming UN Day Celebration and orientation day on the 27th October 2018 and they have invited me to join them if i wish to. You could email them to ask about it.

I will reserve my judgement until I go there myself.


  1. Hi, I am looking for kindie for my kid near bangsar area too. May I know what is your view on whitelodge after attending their UN day celebration?

  2. Hi there. Did you go to this kindie after all OR mind sharing which kindie u have gone too after all
